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Dr. Jane Goodall
(Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and U.N. Messenger of Peace)
Adotei Akwei
(Africa Advocacy Director of Amnesty International)
Marianne Williamson
(Co-Founder, Global Renaissance Alliance; author, Everyday Grace)
Clarence Jones
(Speech writer and lawyer for Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.)
"A Million Voices One Peace" - We Rise
sung by Gemma and voices in a wave across 80 countries climaxing in NYC tonight!
PURE (dancers and drummers for healing and peace)
The Peace Wall by Randy Taran
Achilles Members (War Veterans)
and many other visionary speakers, performers and special highlights
at Avalon
20th Street and 6th Avenue in Manhattan
Culminating 11
Days of Global Unity
Taking place in over 100 cities worldwide!
7:00PM- 7:35PM Earth
Charter Part 1
Respect and Care for the Community of Life
Ending our Addiction to Oil Before It's Too Late (what we can do) Renewable Energy and the Coming Age of Sustainability (what we can do) Extinction of Species (what we can do) Global Warming/Climate Change (what we can do) L.A. Music Awards Recipient Performance/Humanity Rocks
Global Economy and social well-being (what we can do) Amnesty International presentation with Africa Advocacy Director Adotei Akwei speaking on Amnesty's Sudan Crisis Response (what we can do) To End AIDS We Must End Poverty (what we can do) Clarence Jones (speech writer and lawyer for Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.) "Racial Solidarity for the New Millennium" Blacksmith Musical Performance - "What About You" (The Plight of the Homeless)
The Power of the Media (what we can do) Marianne Williamson - Co-Founder, Global Renaissance Alliance; author, Everyday Grace, /Department of Peace movement in U.S. and other countries (what we can do) Jane Goodall DBE with Roots &; Shoots Peace Dove Flying (possibly with video roll-ins from other countries) with Dana Lyons performing The Peace Dove Song "Circle the World" Global Declaration of Interdependence - Signings and Recitation Disarmament, Announcements of Ceasefires in conflict areas around the world L.A. Music Awards Recipient Performance/Humanity Rocks
We, The World is coordinating 11 Days of Global Unity, a convergence of local and global consciousness-raising events that will take place in over 100 cities around the world from Sept. 11-21, 2004. Our 11 Days Honorary Co-Chairs include Jane Goodall, Irene Khan (Secretary General, Amnesty International), Marianne Williamson, Hazel Henderson, Ervin Laszlo, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Robert Thurman, Riane Eisler and others. We are working with Amnesty International, the Jane Goodall Institute's Roots & Shoots Youth Program, Dennis Kucinich's Department of Peace Initiative, the Earth Charter Initiative and many other partner organizations.
11 Days consists of festivals, concerts, broadcasts, coordinated civic actions, voter registration, and other activities designed to maximize public awareness of the challenges humanity now faces, and to celebrate and facilitate involvement in the solutions. As part of our Service Activities component, we will provide ways 11 Days audiences and participants can get directly involved with Amnesty International and our other partner organizations.
This will be the first in an ongoing series of global gatherings that inspire, inform and involve increasingly large numbers of people in creating a world that works for all!
11 Days has the potential to have a major impact on the public beyond the progressive communities. That's where we think progressives need to operate more. What we're doing with 11 Days can fill that gap. We can inspire, inform and then involve many of those more mainstream people who may share values of social justice and environmental sustainability but who for whatever reason won't go to a protest rally or even a conference. We can get them and their families out to a festival or a concert, (or watch it on TV), rev them up and then give them ways to take action on the spot! With the potential to broadcast to millions of people, 11 Days could make a difference in the elections.
Thank you for all the important work you are doing!
The 11 Days
Your contribution is tax deductible and is very much appreciated!
Thank you for the difference you are making in the
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