11 Days of Global Unity 2005 Partners
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11 Days of Global Unity
Creating a Culture of Peace, Celebrating a Sustainable Future
September 11 - 21, 2005
In more than 100 cities worldwide!
11 Days Change Agent Directory

Heartfelt thanks
to our many Event Partners, Outreach Partners
and Co-Sponsors
May we continue to further peace and sustainability every day
(Please take some time to browse our Featured Partners AND view our Complete Listing below)

Blacksmith Email: slimgem@optonline.net
Byron Peace Carnival www.byronpeacecarnival.com
The Spirit of Peace is a fundamental value to the quality of life for the communities of the Byron Shire and the Rainbow Region (Australia). The Byron Peace Carnival celebrates this culture of Peace as a showcase for ideas, art, ingenuity and creativity in pursuit of peaceful living. The Byron Peace Carnival focuses on the challenges and opportunities for living in peace within our community and with the rest of the planet.

Communications Coordination Committee
for the United Nations

The mission of The Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations [CCC/UN] is to facilitate the interchange of information among civil society organizations, the United Nations, and the public in order to promote more profound understanding of world problems, their effective solutions, and rapid implementation. Goals & Objectives We seek acceleration in the uses of information systems, including improved methods of communication as well as better understanding of the United Nations multiple purposes, its complex structures, and its wide range of accomplishments. Our objectives are: 1) To increase support for the United Nations in its programs for a peaceful, sustainable, just, and high quality of life for all in the global community. 2) To promote the continuing development of the United Nations as an effective, transparent, and democratic representative of all people, around the world; and, 3) To enhance the growing role of civil society organizations in achieving these objectives. Participation The CCC/UN is a voluntary, civil society organization accredited to the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization [NGO] and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council [ECOSOC] for professionals in all communications media, including television, radio, video, film, internet services, public speaking, and print, as well as those responsible for communications in various other civil society organizations.
Earthdance: the Global Dance Festival for Peace www.earthdance.org
Our mission is to promote peace by joining participants worldwide in a synchronized PRAYER FOR PEACE and to support humanitarian causes through the global language of music and dance. Our goal is to inspire participation from promoters, clubs, artists, musicians and peace-lovers worldwide to dedicate one day to support humanitarian efforts and help unite people from all nations in a day of peaceful celebration and harmony. Our objective is to create as many Earthdance events around the world as possible. From stadium concerts to living room gatherings, there are no conditions on how big or small an event has to be. The spirit of Earthdance is participation on whatever level possible.

ECOFEST 2005 www.ecofest.com
ECOFEST is celebrating its 17th anniversary as the largest environmental event on the East Coast. It is unequaled in its broad base of public and private sector support. Through dynamic exhibits, stimulating entertainment and celebrity performers and speakers, fosters public awareness about opportunities for environmental change. It spurs people to get involved in making their homes, communities, schools, offices and personal life practices more ecologically advanced and environmentally sound.

The Ethical Culture Society of Queens (NYC) www.queensethical.org
We're a humanistic, religious and educational fellowship inspired by the ideal that the supreme aim of human life is working to create a more humane society. We are building an ethical community in which relationships are based on the principle of respect for every person. Our commitment is to the worth and dignity of the individual -- and to treating people so as to bring out the best in them. Our faith is in the capacity of human beings to act in their personal relationships and in the larger community to create a better world.
Members have joined together to assist each other in developing ethical ideas and ideals, to celebrate life's joys and support each other during life's crises -- and to work together to improve our world and the world of our children. We welcome you to join us.
Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) www.fowpal.org
In today's modern world, nature has gradually become unbalanced due to the development of civilization. The Earth is filled with war, pollution, illness, and natural catastrophes. Mankind needs a great love, one with the strength to turn the world around.
With support from global organizations, the importance of love and peace can be further enhanced and emphasized. Through the Bell of Peace Ceremony and cultural goodwill activities, FOWPAL wishes to unite international leaders, influential individuals, and peace-loving people from all over the world to work together for a world in harmony.
The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning www.meaning.org
The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning seeks to reawaken and foster the simple yet transformative belief that people are yearning for meaningful connection to others and to a purpose greater than themselves. We challenge our prevailing cultural emphasis on material self-interest by encouraging a spirit of caring and a process of mutual recognition that will nourish inclusive, sustainable, and just communities.

Global Family For Love And Peace/
Week Of Global Interfaith Dialogue

http://gflp.org; email Laurence Singer laurence@gflp.org
or 718 353-7398
GFLP is a non-profit tax exempt organization founded by Dharma Master Hsin Tao, who also is the founder of the Museum of World Religions. In accordance with the philosophy of respect for all faiths, tolerance for all cultures, and love for all life, GFLP is dedicated to building a harmonious world through promoting spiritual education, organizing and directing activities for young people in the field of social service, and sponsoring interfaith dialogues.
Good News Broadcast www.goodnewsbroadcast.com
ood News Corporation (GNC) is the first media company to focus solely on delivering non-violent, life-affirming, thought-provoking, educational and multi-cultural news and content world-wide. Programming for GNC comes from leading independent or network producers throughout the world who care about Good News. In addition, inspirational writers, lecturers, celebrities and world figures will be part of the "team. But the team is larger than that, as it requests you to become part of it and help create the content.
Green Phoenix www.green-phoenix.org
Green Phoenix seeks to help individuals and communities in the Hudson Valley bioregion live and work in a manner that is more ecologically sustainable, socially equitable and economically just. We have three major objectives: (1) to provide educational programs on Permaculture, organic farming, natural building, communication and collaborative decision-making skills and other related topics; (2) create a community land trust to acquire property in the region and preserve it in its natural state and to reserve it for organic agriculture, affordable, ecologically sound housing and socially/ecologically responsible small businesses; and (3) advocate an infrastructure of commerce less dependent on energy imports and non-renewable fuels while exploring and promoting local alternatives. To register for our Fall 2005 event featuring world-renowned Permaculturist Geoff Lawton follow this link!
Imagine Peace Festival www.imaginepeacefestival.com
On a beautiful field circled with the flags of all nations, a historic event for peace will take place the weekend of September 17-18, 2005. People will gather from far and wide to take a stand for a new vision for the 21st century based on the oneness of the human family across the globe. In recognition of the urgent need to steer our great civilization toward a culture of peace, we will come together at this summit to celebrate, educate and inspire this peace in each other and the world.
International Day of Peace Vigils http://www.idpvigil.com
n 2001, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted resolution (A/RES/55/282) designating September 21st of each year as an International Day of Peace. The intention of the resolution is to have the entire world observe a day of peace and nonviolence. All are invited to commemorate the day in an appropriate manner. An ever-expanding number of people worldwide, representing a wide variety of religious and spiritual traditions, have committed to the task of working with other like-minded individuals and groups for an International Day of Peace Vigil with the following objective: "To encourage worldwide, 24-hour spiritual observations for peace and nonviolence on the International Day of Peace, 21 September 2005 in every house of worship and place of spiritual practice, by all religious and spiritually based groups and individuals, and by all men, women and children who seek peace in the world. This global 24-hour spiritual observation for peace is meant to demonstrate the power of prayer and other spiritual practices in promoting peace and preventing violent conflict. These worldwide spiritual observances will also help raise public awareness of the International Day of Peace and directly support the establishment of a global ceasefire. Individuals and groups are invited to support this worldwide initiative by committing to hold a 24-hour vigil on 21 September 2005. Please record your individual or group commitment at http://www.idpvigil.com/commitments/addForm.html. Commitments are posted by geographical location so that others can know of Vigils in your area.
James Twyman's Beloved Community/
Steps for Peace
James is leading a peace walk from Assisi to Rome September 12th - 21st ending with a Papal audience where he, joined by Earthdance International founder, Chris Deckker, will present the names of those asking for peace to the Pope. The following day they will take the list of names to the United Nations peace conference taking place in Assisi. Our goal is to have 144,000 signatures (in this case electronic signatures) to take to the Pope and to the United Nations, letting our leaders and the rest of the world know that we want peace on our planet.
KidCast for Peace http://creativity.net/KidCast
Watch a video interview (http://www.archive.org/details/kcfptv14) from last year's 11 Days closing event, Our Voices, Our World submitted by Peter Rosen of Creativity Cafe's KidCast for Peace; Solutions for a Better World video conference. Rick Barbuto, Esq. and others offer their solutions for bringing peace and transformation to our world.

Million Voice Choir www.amillionvoicechoir.org
In January 2002, after the tragedy of September 11th, in the sacred village of Bodh Gaya, India, under the holy Bodhi Tree, half a million peaceful warriors joined with HH Dalai Lama in Prayer for World Peace. It was at this magical gathering the WE RISE Mission was born. This new human world anthem has since rippled into the building of THE MILLION VOICE CHOIR to reach critical mass and create an extraordinary experience of a global united moment in song. This rousing call for peace is an invitation for everyone to see and feel the magnitude of a simple action as it's effects ripple outward. Join us in this global mission to unite through the healing power of music. See our website to read the lyrics and listen to We Rise.
Pathways to Peace www.pathwaystopeace.org
Pathways To Peace is an international PeaceBuilding, Educational and Consulting organization whose mission is: to expand the comprehension and substantive expression of "PEACE and PeaceBuilding practices at all levels; to build Cultures of Peace by uniting and enhancing the strengths of existing organizations and programs along eight paths to Peace; and to contribute, through consultation and direct participation, to the evolving mission of the United Nations and to citizens' worldwide participation in the International Day of Peace.
The Peace Alliance www.thepeacealliance.org
Participate in an historic citizen lobbying effort to create a U.S. Department of Peace, sponsored in the House of Representatives. (The bill will be re-introduced September 14, 2005. To read our update, click here. EMBED: http://www.dopcampaign.org/action.htm) The primary function of a United States Department of Peace will be to research, articulate and facilitate nonviolent solutions to domestic and international conflict. Click here (EMBED )to watch our PowerPoint presentation (EMBED: http://www.dopcampaign.org/p-point.htm). Join us now. Create a Department of Peace. We can do this.
The People For Peace Project www.people4peace.net or email pforpeace@aol.com
All around us, so much is being done to create a better world. All of these efforts are part of a vast un-named "peace on earth movement. United in the wish for peace on earth, we will create a culture of peace.
SeekTV http://SEEKtv.tv
Seek TV Launches on International Day of Peace September 21, 2005 SEEKtv.tv, a new activist, interactive internet channel will be joining WE, THE WORLD as a co-sponsor in the promotion and webcast of festivals, concerts, civic actions, lectures, films and other events involved in the 11 DAYS OF GLOBAL UNITY 2005. SEEKtv's official public launch will coincide with the International Day of Peace from various locations around the world, including the International Day of Peace Festival and Vigil from Assisi, Italy on September 21st. If you wish to participate in our 11 Days global webcast as a content provider or independent producer/filmmaker, please contact Fidel Moreno at fmoreno@cybermesa.com or Susan Jameson at HumanityInConcert@earthlink.net. Telephone contact, 413-269-7271. SEEKtv.tv will be activated on September 3, 2005.
Ray Korona Band www.raykorona.com

Political folk music - Labor songs - Environmental songs - Protest & love songs, too!
Listen to samples of our newest CD The People are in Charge! Or click here to download and listen to (and share!) "Urgent Songs -- because current issues don't wait.

Systemic Healing/Family Healing www.family-healing.com
Soul-level healing and realignment for families, groups, and systems. Free e-zine/workshops/info at website. For more info contact Alison Rose Levy: levyar@earthlink.net
We, The World http://www.WeTheWorld.org
We, The World's mission is to maximize social change on a global scale to create cultures of peace and environmental stewardship for a world that works for all! Out strategy centers around (1) coordinating Public Global Events to garner international attention and build momentum in social movements on a global scale and (2) providing tools and resources to our affiliated organizations and individuals that allow them to work together and to maximize their impact. In September 2004, We, The World launched 11 Days of Global Unity - a worldwide promotion of peace and sustainability with over 200 events in 80 countries! AND COMING SOON! - WeCAN: We, The World's Change Agent Network WTW will provide network members with high-tech tools and support to help people working for change around the world inspire each other, connect and collaborate.
WomenRise for Global Peace www.womenrise.org
WomenRise for global peace was birthed by a small group of women in the home of a 94 year woman. She remembers when she was 10 years old and was filled with the incredible joy of celebrating 11-11-1918, Armistice day the end of world war 1. The joy was that 11-11 was the end of the war that was promised to be the end of all wars. Let us fulfill that promise! Your call to action: This call for both women and men transcends all politics culture and religions. As humans we are all impacted by the horrors plaguing our world which are promoted by focusing on our differences withoutrecognizing our interconnectedness. WomenRise calls on all to raise consciousness and stand up to proclaim that: * We can live in celebration and respect for all life and all love * The power of our individual choice to be peaceful in our thought, word and deed does change the world * Using compassionate communication, we can promote peace more effectively. Join Us! Follow this link to learn about our Peace Projects.
World Peace Prayer Society www.Worldpeace.org
The World Peace Prayer Society is a nonprofit, non-sectarian, member-supported organization dedicated to spreading the message and prayer May Peace Prevail on Earth all over the world. It was founded in Japan by Masahisa Goi in 1955, and in 1988 the world headquarters moved to New York. In 1990 the Society was accepted as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in affiliation with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations. The World Peace Sanctuary is the international home of the World Peace Prayer Society. Nestled in the foothills of the Berkshire Mountains, the site occupies 154 acres located in Wassaic, New York just two hours north of New York City. Visitors are invited to enjoy the healing air of the Sanctuary. Individuals and groups tour the lovely grounds by appointment, or take part in art projects for children, youth activities or creative workshops for adults. The Sanctuary staff is often invited to create peace events at schools, town centers, festivals and places of worship.
A Complete List of Our Extraordinary Partners!
Achee www.achee.org
All My Relations www.allmyrelations.org
Axiom / The Great Rethinking http://greatmystery.org/
Blacksmith Emaile: slimgem@optonline.com
BluePlanetVillage www.blueplanetvillage.com
Brooklyn Nonviolent Communication www.BrooklynNVC.org
Byron Peace Carnival www.byronpeacecarnival.com
Celebrate Peace www.celebratepeace.com
Celebrate the Divine Feminine Conference www.celebratethedivinefeminine.com
Circle of Peace www.cercledepaix.ca
Common Ground: An Experience of InterSpiritual Activism www.thecrossingsaustin.com
Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations www.cccun.org/
Conference Works, The www.conferenceworks.com
Donna Henes, Urban Shaman www.DonnaHenes.net
Earthdance International www.earthdance.org
ECOFEST www.ecofest.com
Ethical Culture Society of Queens www.queensethical.org
Federation of World Peace and Love www.fowpal.org
Foundation for Ethics and Meaning, The www.meaning.org
ForImpact www.forimpact.org
Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences www.fions.org and
Global Constitution Forum www.globalconstitutionforum.org
Global Family for Love and Peace www.gflp.org
Good News Broadcast www.goodnewsbroadcast.com
Green Phoenix www.green-phoenix.org
Hello, From My Heart Day www.HelloFromMyHeart.com
Imagine Peace Festival/World Peace Prayer Society www.imaginepeacefestival.com
Interdependence Day Celebration www.interdependencedaycelebration.com
Interfaith Center of New York www.interfaithcenter.org
International Day of Peace Vigils www.idpvigil.com
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences contact Safiyya: 917-497-0429
Internetowy Swiat Dzieciom (ISD-Dzieci) www.org-isd.com
Jodie Serota of the MetaCenter www.jodiserota.com/metacenter/
Kelly Loch www.lochkelly.org
KidCast for Peace http://creativity.net/KidCast/
Krost Symposium, The 26th Annual:
"The Creative Journey: Creativity at the Intersection of Art and Science"
Mark LeVine www.culturejamming.org
Million Voice Choir www.amillionvoicechoir.org
Mindshift Institute / Cosmos and Consciousness III www.mindshiftinstitute.org
Music Therapists for Peace http://pages.nyu.edu/~ehb2/mtp.html
New Realities TV www.newrealitiestv.com
New School Box Office (The New SchoolUniversity) Contact: boxoffice@newschool.edu
NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns www.csvgc.org/
Only the Brave www.OTBkilts.com
Open UN www.openun.org
Operation Peace Through Unity Email: optubrookiana@xtra.co.nz
Pathways To Peace www.pathwaystopeace.org
Peace Alliance/Dept. of Peace Campaign www.thepeacealliance.org
"Peace One Day" Film Project www.peaceoneday.org
People For Peace Project, The www.people4peace.net
Poetry for Peace Festival www.poetryforpeace.com
Ray Korona Band www.raykorona.com
RainbowArk Foundation, The www.rainbowark.org
Ribbon International, The www.theribbon.org
Sacred City Project, The / Garden of Forgiveness at Ground Zero Reverend Lyndon F. Harris;
Saving Lives Through Alternate Options Contact: Judith 713-515-1550
Sacred Space Institute, The www.lovewithoutlimits.com
Seek TV www.seektv.tv
SpaceShare www.spaceshare.com
Stanford Forgiveness Project Contact: Dr. Frederic Luskin;
Steps for Peace/James Twyman http://emissaryoflight.com/peacewalk
StoneChurch, Cragsmoor, NY Contact: 845-647-6487
Systemic Healing/Family Healing www.family-healing.com
Temple of Understanding, The www.templeofunderstanding.org/
Ukraine: a network of people of good will Contact: Natalia Andriyevsky
Email: na@clc.com.ua
United Nations Department of Public Information's Outreach Division www.undpi.org/
United Religions Initiative www.uri.org/United_Nations.html
US Partnership for National Youth Initiatives www.uspartnership.org
Vigil for International Peace www.vigil4internationalpeace.org
We, the World www.wetheworld.org
WomenRise for Global Peace www.womenrise.org
Yalaha Network www.yalahanetwork.org/community
Youth for Peace www.allforworldpeace.org
Zoetic Workshops Inc. www.zoeticworkshops.com

Thank you for the difference you are making in the world!

A message from Nobel Peace Laureate
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Archbishop Desmond Tutu

"The objective of the organization We, The World is to facilitate cooperation on a global scale amongst groups and individuals dedicated to implementing solutions to the many challenges we face on the planet at this time. We, The World wishes to inspire, inform and involve more and more people in these solutions to bring about large scale change."

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