The U.N. International Day of Peace was first celebrated in 1982 as a day to announce ceasefires in conflict areas around the world. It began as a moveable date taking place on the opening day of each new Session of the U.N. General Assembly in September. In September 2001 the UN decided to permanently fix the International Day of Peace on September 21st starting in 2002.
In 2004 We, The World launched 11 Days of Global Unity Sept. 11-21 symbolically marking the global transformation of fear to hope. In 2006 11 Days takes on even greater significance starting with the 100 year Anniversary of Gandhi's first nonviolent action on Sept. 11th and including 11 Days of Forgiving and other Gandhian practices of Satyagraha. 11 Days  of Global Unity is designed to maximize public awareness about humanity's major challenges and encourage involvement in the solutions.
Your voice is crucial to global transformation.We invite you, your affiliated non-profit organization, or your socially conscious company to be part of 11 Days! Click one of the following to specify the role you wish to play: 11 Days Event, 11 Days Sponsor, or 11 Days Outreach Partner.
In the body of the email describe your event (any date in September) and your organization's website and contact info.  
About the 11 Days of Global Unity

Preliminary Events
To 11 Days
September 11
Day 1
September 12
Day 2
September 13
Day 3
September 14
Day 4
September 15
Day 5
September 16
Day 6
September 17
Day 7
September 18
Day 8
September 19
Day 9
September 20
Day 10
September 21
Day 11
Subsequent Events
To 11 Days
Calendar of Events
Creating a Culture of Peace
Celebrating a Sustainable Future
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